The Comedy/Tragedy of Corrupted Disney (very long. Sorry.)

Date: 6/12/2021

By Fitful

I was in the carpark beneath the mall. It was huge. I found an interesting little section near a ramp. After checking it was a parking spot I went to use it. Some security guard said I didn't want to. But I double checked it again and it looked like an amazing spot. It was alone, by itself, in a little nook that ended with a ramp no car could fit through. And a little hallway clearly for people. I loved the look of the spot. I parked, put the baby in the car in the car seat, and went round the corner in search or a soda machine. I jumped off that ramp from the 5th floor to the 4th. It was easy, like a large step, that's how low it got. And the vending machines were half, just the top half. And had an actual staff working inside them. There was a choice of some meat crumble in a paper cup, some meat and apple crumble in a paper cup, or ice cream. I asked if it was vegan and he said it was. But it had a chocolate chip cookie in it, and chocolate added. I asked for no chocolate. He gave me a cup of ice and some soda- maybe to fingers if soda- in another cup. Pour the soda over the ice and you get an icey. It only cost 50c. I ended up giving him 75c.  On the way back I was told off by a janitor who thought I didn't pay. He didn't seem impressed by the amount I paid either.  I went back up to the 5th floor the long way. Which wasn't that long. I just went around to the ramp cars go up. I didn't feel like climbing up that huge lip I'd jumped off of. It felt taller going up, I knew I'd have to climb. And with the cups in my hand. But when. I went to the next floor I ended up on a different floor. And I mean way different. Like 7th. And then began a huge confusing race. I kept trying to adjust. Oh, I'm on floor 6. I just need to go down. But I end up 6 floors away... and so on and so forth. So many times I try. Finally I frantically ask for help, but I can't remember where I put the car. And I can get anyone to real help. and I'm worried about the baby in the car...who knows how long now. I'm so dumb and feel so guilty and desperate. It doesn't help my mom shows up and makes me feel worse for having lost the baby.  ~ At one point I was getting huge bottles thrown away at the back of a plastic recycling plant. Like a soda 2 liter bottle that was used but more 80 liters. I packed so much stuff into the car, but I had to atop and add those. It was important. A security guard stopped us and asked about the baby on the way out the car was very full.  ~ My mother had sex with a plant and made a babt/plant hybrid thing. Or alternately a college project - create plant/human hybrid baby happened. I'm not sure which as I know my mother did it, but I also had the college video report. Or maybe I was just there the whole time. Anyway there were pods in a stray field. They flowered but didn't stack and make hundreds, like the college scientists postulated. I was in a costume, wearing my gloomy bear hood to hide my face (not wanting to be recognized), as the process happened and two security guards watched it. Maybe they watched it after the fact, like a documentary but in person. Hologram person maybe? I know we were invisible to the actual event. The process was some mother bug - or maybe mother bug machine- had to pee on the walls of the plant to let in sunlight for growth, she had to do this continuously during the course of gestation. And all the while she had to fight off flying tiny bugs, like green pitcher ones from Plants Vs Zombies, to protect her egg sack/pod from being eaten/poisoned. I made a joke to the security guards about the sound the little flying bug made. Pew Pew. Like Star Wars. They laughed. But the baby did get born. I was shocked. It moved like a giant tadpole puppet off something from the 80s. Like Labyrinth or something.  I questioned if it was real. But it kept growing. Finally it could breathe normally in its own, laugh, make noises. It looked more and more real. I was surprised the government hadn't taken it away.  But as we slept I woke up to see sock puppets from Disney. They were speaking to baby and teaching it liberal values. I was mad, they were brainwashing it young. I remember that these days all who worked for Disney were liberals who had no training or skills, just Joe off the street who was a liberal pushing pencil muncher. Meh. I got mad ~ My dad, or some older gentlemen who was my father now in this new dream section - told me I could do anything. I eyed the huge Disney building in the distance and pinched it between my fore finger and thumb like a child does for small perspective. I then had a vision of the Disney mall building/like a government one/ but it was huge and the the vision panned out to show it was a small but huge mar on the planets surface. I realized the carpark I'd gotten lost in was under Disney. And maybe it connected to the other carpark in different dimensions, hence I why I couldn't get back. I was mad. The Disney push pin buildings in the vision of the Earth were numerous. Hundreds of them. Thousands. They peppered the planet in a grid section, like hives. I was horrifed. I said someone needs to take it over, wipe it off the map. Get a job as an intern since they hire anyone... Even play liberal if I had to. Then work their way up and take it over and fix it. Or topple it. Then I was some young action actor big in the 80s/90s. Tim Allen or Bruce Willis. And this was definitely a dream I'd had before but it was redone. And very different in certain ways. For instance he/I saw signs from the university to guide our start. Like 111 and 500,000. And he had a car like batman, if batman was a day man and Bruce Willis/Tim Allen. And the father figure became like Alfred/and that kind gentlemen leader from MIB Chief Zed.  ~ And I went to the Disney mall/government building/pushpin in our area. It was jam packed. It was insanely packed and full of people. I was a teenage girl now, out with a friend, another teenage girl. We went to the mall, to get an application. I took a special key or lock. You only needed one. I found the line, before they let others get in it. I was first to get in the very long empty sectioned off line. But once I did they let the rest of them in and the lone was miles long. I was pushed to the front in a hurry. To wait for my interview, or interview schedule. Or something. The girl behind me was certain to make me go first but that she was next. She put my key or lock on the door jam. Make certain to put hers right behind. I wandered off, a bit bored, and climbed the Disney cathedral/tower/balcony. With my friend close behind I think. Well I'd done it before, I remembered this dream actually. But I did the same climbing mistake. It was easy going IP the stone face til you got to the balcony, then there was nothing to hold on to to get higher. Unless you went sideways,  slower climb. I redirected and got up there. Then I went higher and watched the show - using real elephants- waiting for the line to move. But it never did. they didn't see anyone in the anxious line waiting for a job interview,  they didn't plan to. I found that out.  I was up there so long I realized the stone cathedral wasn't really a building, but more like the entrance and it was flimsy built. It swayed in the wind under my weight. I worked I would fall. And finally climbed down as something happened. The crowd, the happy waving crowd that had been watching the show, they all hatched and died. They were aliens. No, they were dead alien test bodies - maybe clones- that weren't functional. That were dead upon hatching. The Disney was infested by - or even just made up by - little grey aliens.  Me and my friend staged a coup. We took over, there was a battle but it was peaceful. Somehow that  both happened. And we won. I saved some baby animals that just hatched. Floppy baby deer and goats. We sat up in the balcony and the crowd cheered. We won the Disney company back for everyone.  I was in the bathroom, a public toilet that was filthy. With my friend. The door stuck and kept cracked. The friend had a song she was doing for the crowd, concert like. And she sung well even in the bathroom. Shed run off stage to pee but sounded good - if muffled from in there. I listed to her sing but turned away from her face through the crack and pointed didn't watch her pee. She then laughed and invited me to 'finish' and use the toilet myself. It was clearly innuendo. I went in and the place was far filthier than I thought. There was pee all over the floor, and I had no shoes now. Just bare feet. I know, ick. Bare feet in a public restroom. I knew it was gross as I did it. But the pee was warm and that was even grosser. It was in puddle, you couldn't avoid it. It was warm female pee.  I sat on the toilet as she sang out the door and the crack showed my friends in the crowd. I began masturbating but had to turn my gaze - and the crack - away to my female friend not my male friends or that would have been weird to see while I did that. The warm pee wasn't as gross when I was aroused. Afterwards I washed my feet. There was no water, so gross. I used a bunch - like a bucket - of doing hand sanitizer or maybe it was hand soap. Anyway it was just a gross restroom. In the crowd I joined my comrades, who helped me topple Disney. Some grumpy old man didn't agree when I said we'd make it better. Went on about the younger generation making it more 'liberal nonsense.' I laughed and said I was conservative. He eyed me and stopped short. We chatted about that tentatively for awhile. "Trumps gonna win in 2024" he said, testing me. "Oh yes, I hope so" I said sincerely. I then went on to say I was also gay. He asked how I could reconcile both. I said gay wasn't political - just incidental. Being 14 and gay wasn't some political statement, just biology. I said I fully advocated seeing the best of both sides, always questioning, and doing the best for the people. Plus we weren't going to repeat the past, by insuring our vision was the only vision and would only have sway. Instead we'd create a council. Many people to head the company. Many different voices and political parties. And we'd try and make it uncorruptible and belong to the people.  He seems reluctantly impressed but still doubtful. At least the doubt had hope now. The dream ended with me and my friend staying for days working to build up a new company and ideal. The last time I had the dream the end montage went from 'win' to 'go home' but this time I was awake for 4 days getting it all done behind the scenes. Enough so much I could pass it to other hands temporarily and go home and sleep. And then I was Tim Allen/ Bruce Willis again in that tech car that this time came out looking like a teapot. Well a car teapot if Batman owned it. So way cooler than you'd think. The teapot feature (inside cause the car was also shaped like some MIB teapot car) was on a sliding thing like the gear shift and went though the whole if the car. Alfred/Chief Zed was with me again. He was quite proud. I/Tim Allen/Bruce Willis saw more numbers to wrap it all up. Like the punch line of the end of a movie. 111 was on the gearshift. It was funny and the dream ended like some ritzy, funny, Batman in the day movie.