Digital art 4k scene from a movie: In the aftermath of a devastating fire, a young child watches as their mother contemplates taking her own life, leading to a heartbreaking series of events that culminates in the child being involuntarily admitted to a psychiatric hospital.

jeg brant ned huset til mamma.

Date: 8/30/2019

By monjanse

Jeg fikk det til å brenne i mamma sitt hus. jeg prøvde å slukke brannen. Jeg brukte vann og brannsluknings teppe. Men så ble det så mye Brann at hele kjøkkenet sto i flammer og huset brant ned. Vi måtte flytte til USA. Mamma ble så deprimert på grunn av brannen og hus tapet, at hun gikk til en container ned forbi huset, og tok en kopp og fyllet den med med grønn gift, og drakk giften. Pappa Kåre mente Det var min skyld. Jeg svarte med at jeg er ikke noe Pyromanen, jeg gjorde det ikke med vilje. Men Kåre trodde ikke på meg. Mamma gikk for å ta sitt eget liv. Da sa jeg til kåre at “om mamma vil Ta sitt eget liv så er det hennes valg”, som om jeg ikke brydde meg om det. Jeg så mamma i kjøkkenvinduet i det nye huset i USA. Holdt hun seg for brystet og gate for giften hadde begynt å virke. Men så sa Kåre at mamma ikke hadde drukket gift men bare søppel vann, sånn at hun bare rapte. Så hadde personalet og mamma og Kåre bestilt at jeg skulle legges inn på psykiatrien uten at jeg hadde visst om det, så jeg ble kjørt til psykiatrien og skulle legges inn, fordi jeg var så galen.

AI generated interpretation This dream is quite complex and may indicate underlying feelings of guilt, responsibility, and fear of consequences. The setting of the dream, being at your mother's house, can symbolize a sense of security, nurturing, and emotional connection. The act of setting the house on fire could suggest a desire to destroy or disrupt something significant or familiar in your life, perhaps out of a sense of anger, frustration, or powerlessness. Your attempts to extinguish the fire with water and a fire blanket may represent your efforts to rectify or contain a situation that has spiraled out of control. However, despite your efforts, the fire engulfs the kitchen and the entire house burns down. This could symbolize a sense of failure or inability to prevent a catastrophic outcome, leading to a complete loss and the need to start over in a new environment (moving to the USA). Your mother's reaction to the fire, feeling devastated and ultimately attempting to take her own life, could signify feelings of intense emotional distress, helplessness, and perhaps even self-blame or punishment. The character of your father, Kåre, blaming you for the incident and not believing your protestations of innocence, may reflect feelings of being unfairly judged or scapegoated in waking life. The scene of your mother apparently succumbing to the poison but then being revealed to have only ingested dirty water may suggest a sense of confusion or deception surrounding emotional or psychological struggles. The decision to have you involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital without your knowledge or consent may point to feelings of vulnerability, betrayal, or a fear of losing control over your mental health or personal autonomy. Overall, this dream may be reflecting deep-seated anxieties, conflicts, or unresolved emotions related to personal relationships, feelings of guilt or responsibility, fears of punishment or abandonment, and concerns about your own mental well-being. It may be beneficial to explore these themes further and consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor to address any underlying issues that the dream may be bringing to light.