UFO dream

Date: 9/28/2016

By littlececi

Woke up 10:49pm from dream, (I was asleep less than two hours lol). In the dream I was with friends/family who were in the military (although I didn't recognize any of them from this lifetime but instinctively knew in my dream we were very close). They just graduated and were flying us around at night in their little jets showing off and then I was noticing these weird alien looking flying objects that were also in the sky with us. They were camouflaged with the color of the clouds and stars from the night sky but I could still see the shape and movements of them flying. They were sort of shaped like jellyfish. And then we landed and I ran towards the house (again, a house I'm not familiar with but in my dream it was my house). I was on the front porch talking to one of the guys and asked if they've ever seen anything usual in the sky with them. He was hesitant to reply. Then all of the sudden I look up and "they" were now out in the open everywhere. No longer camouflaged and I felt like it was because I was talking about them. They were flying low to the ground and headed towards us. We all start to run inside the house (as if we can hide) and now I couldn't move. I was paralyzed. Then I woke up from the dream and my body was shaking. Lol