Date: 2/17/2020
By bigdreamer
Every night I would have these dreams that were extremely lucid. In my dream I would be in a certain scene and whatever was there would try to kill me and they became more real every night. One night I dreamed I was in a toy shop and I was writing with a pen that had a diamond on it. The diamond started splitting and cutting my hand, I ran away but I crashed through a glass door, hit the wood floor and died. The only thing that was keeping me safe was an old friend from preschool. Then I woke up and I immediately called my dad and at first it looked dark outside but as I walked towards the living room the light was spilling in. It was noon. I got really mad at my dad for not waking me up because I had school that day. I didn’t want to be marked truant because of the amount of sick days you’re technically allowed to take. My dad was wearing these weird hippie clothes and my mom was over in the corner near an easel teaching my old friend Aaron how to paint.