Open The Curtains To Reality

Date: 2/23/2018

By SwaggyBoy9

I dreamed.. let's talk about that. I was in some house, and as I went into this room, I think I met a succubus? She was a black cloudy spirit with the visible outline of a naked woman. I layed in bed with her. Her demonic aura felt so good to be in the presence of, it was like this euphoric feeling all over my body. I knew that I couldn't indulge for too long though, there was something sinister about her besides the fact she was a succubus. I turned around and grabbed a hold of her, making sure she didn't try any moves as I got off the bed. I walked out out of the room and.. woke up. Or atleast that's what I thought I did. I was laying in my bed, I opened the curtain and broke through the window and jumped out! I was in some place, the sun was shining but it was snowing. I think I was somewhere in Nepal? I was walking around and saw the most beautiful scenery of a mountain. I started crying for some reason, it was like my emotions were amplified, especially my empathic abilities. I walked around after that just.. appreciating everything. Very few people lived here, they seemed contempt with their simple lives. Genuine happiness radiated from them. They reminded me of monks, although I believe they were ordinary citizens. *Snap* I woke up. I'm in my bed. This time I became lucid.. I knew I was still dreaming, and I visualised a place I would've liked to go. I opened my eyes and opened the curtain, and jumped through the window, breaking it! This time, my house and room more specifically was somehow 4 stories high. Whenever I wanted to go anywhere, I had to visualise then repeat the process of opening the curtain in my room and breaking through/jumping out the window. This time, I was in a city. I was trying quite hard to stay in the dream I remember. Whenever I'm lucid, I get this feeling like I'm literally being 'pulled' out of the dream and I have to try quite hard to resist it and stay in the dream. Anyways, I was in this snowy city, which almost felt like some city in a game? Idk, it felt really really nice to be in. It's one of those places where I feel like I'd like to say forever. I'm not sure why that happens with certain places, probably something from my childhood I couldn't move on from. I was in my bed again.. One last time. I visualised and repeated the steps.. Except this time the curtains wouldn't open. I tried and tried and they wouldn't budge. So I dropped down into my bed again and started visualising for a couple of seconds until the image was clear. I opened my eyes and tried to open the curtains and they did.. That's all I remember. I wonder where I went that last time...