Cars careening down the beach

Date: 11/17/2016

By Convitz1234

I was walking along a beach at night alone. The sun had just set. The glow of the sun still colored the sky. The sound of a loud engine came blaring from down the beach to my left. I stood back and saw a green car speeding down the beach next to the water as fast as I've seen any car travel. Then shortly after another car came zooming by equally as fast. The scene began to get quite scary. More cars came careening down the beach at break neck speeds and the number of cars increased. The glow of the sky and the surrounding became a fiery orange. Two cars collided in mid air and erupted in flames sending the silhouettes of men flying through the air. I ran away from the beach and into the town seeking safety in a shop. In a window near the top of the shop I still saw the dark orange sky.