
Date: 9/28/2016

By Y0Universe

I was sitting at a table with Eric Matteus and Katie and we were chatting and I told them about how yesterday I did something really crazy. But the yesterday I was referring to was a dream. And I said "that was a dream though.....and this is a dream." And their eyes got wide. I then stood up and was like, watch me do a kamehamehaaaa. So I started to build energy in my hands to shoot a bottle. It didn't quite work. Then I asked Eric what he thought I should do in this dream. He said "there was a white pride event that him and the other bullies from high school wanted to attend." I was obviously completely uninterested. I started to wander around, and kept trying to build energy in my hands for a kamehamehaaaa. I couldn't get it to work. I did levitate off the ground. Then Katie and I got a pair of recumbent bikes. Started biking through the city and we saw the white power parade pass by, and they were being oddly peaceful. I began to fall out of control. The bike was acting super odd, like bending, super hard to ride. And I woke myself up so I could write this all down