Nannying for rich people

Date: 7/14/2019

By Struggling1073

I had a dream I became a nanny for three children, two little boys and one older girl. They lived in a VERY rich amazing mansion but had super strict parents. I was touring the mansion with another nanny that worked there while the kids were playing and then the parents called us in to scold us showing us camera surveillance footage of us wandering the castle while on duty. They then later gave me a gift of an inscribed bracelet that was supposed to say “schodourky” (a word I apparently made up that means diligent and capable and amazing or something) and that was written on the box, but then the actual inscription on the bracelet messed up and said “schedorouvsky” (another word I made up that means kind hearted but completely inept) and since the words weren’t that similar I assumed the parents did this on purpose as a passive aggressive hit. I woke up a bit after receiving the gift and figuring out what to do. Don’t really know what the dream means but the bracelet gift is probably tied to my mother and her constant passive aggressive disappointment in me.