
Date: 2/7/2023

By Xiileaf

Although I’m not at college yet, I had a dream I was. I was living with two other students, both seemingly at least a year ahead of me. Both of the girls were tall, slim, and had chestnut brown hair. I, too, was a little taller than usual, but it could have been because of the shoes I had been wearing at the time. The three of us were just chatting. We’d all finished our classes for the day and were just ready to relax. I was on the bottom bunk of our double bunk bed. I had myself splayed out, draw-me-like-one-of-your-French-girls style, on my bed and noticed my clothing (or proper lack thereof). I probably had shorts on, who knows, but I did have my black thigh highs and my platform high tops. This wasn’t an unusual way to dress for me, but I certainly didn’t picture myself wearing this while away from home. One of the girls was next to me, and the other was sitting cross legged on the floor in front of a dark wood desk. They both had something simple on like a tank and shorts, the other with a tee and leggings respectively. Somehow, we got to the topic of massages, and the girl sitting on my bed was apparently majoring in massage therapy. The girl on the floor, her name probably something simple like Anna, was playfully complaining that she needed a massage. I probably thought the same about myself in that moment, despite how unbelievably ticklish I am. We’d probably both had massages by the girl on my bed. Though, I think the three of us bonded more than I had thought since then. The one girl, probably with a name like Leslie, half slid, dropped herself off my bed and onto the floor next to Anna. Leslie directed Anna to sit on her heels. They were facing each other. Leslie was massaging the neck, shoulders, and chest area. Anna seemed to be melting into the massage, and I could see a familiar gleam in Leslie’s eye as she hit the good spots. It was scary how one could notice something like this, especially from one’s own experiences. It was a gleam of horniness. I’ve had it too. Leslie moved to loosen the muscles in Anna’s thighs, which were basically aching for a good, unknotting. Maybe she was more stressed than either of us, nor her, we’re able to gather. Or maybe Leslie was just REALLY good at massages. It was probably the latter, but both seemed plausible. Either way, I was mildly jealous. Leslie seemed to massage Anna more than me. Anna was getting a little breathier than I remember her being with these… events… She didn’t seem to have any idea where this was going, unlike Leslie and I. Leslie inched down Anna’s inner thigh slowly, asking for permission to proceed. There it was. We’d heard straight from the massage therapy-major’s mouth that she wanted to figure out how to combine massage with sexual stimulation for her career. I personally looked down on this being a practical idea, but I admired her drive since a career in something fun like that could be fulfilling. I would be thoroughly impressed if it worked out for her. She’d have to test things out herself in the mean time however, which was why Anna, myself, and whoever Leslie brought back to the room would be the perfect test subjects. I’m pretty sure Anna looked at me briefly with moderate embarrassment through half lidded eyes, searching for some reason she should say no. I was probably blushing like mad; if she was fine with me watching, I certainly wouldn’t give her a reason to say no. I was just as intrigued as her after all. We probably had the same thought: “College is for experimenting, so what the hell.” She gave a half shy, half sly smile and nodded towards Leslie. We’d both been wanting for this to happen to us for a long while, and I guess Leslie had warmed up to us enough. This was a fun experience, even though I was just watching, this time. I couldn’t actually watch; although I’d like to be a voyeur, pleasure such as this is much too personal for me and it feels like a violation of privacy, even if I have full permission (including dreams, I guess…?). I watched as Leslie moved her delicate fingers to Anna’s clothed bathing suit area, “massaging” a little along the way. Anna held her breath as she expected Leslie to do something. Leslie used her middle finger to lightly press along the divot of Anna’s warm, fleshy opening. Leslie played with Anna for a bit, eliciting some cute, breathy noises. This is when I averted my gaze. Maybe the three of us would play around a bit later, who knows? I buried my head in the sleeves of my hoodie and continued to listen, feeling the all-too-common sensation of being horny. I’m too shy to do anything about it though, and just continue to listen to Anna’s noises, wishing I could join in. I was smiling through the heat in my face. Soon.

AI generated interpretation This dream could be interpreted as a reflection of your desires to explore your sexuality and your hesitancy to do so. The fact that you are the younger one in the dream could symbolize your feelings of being inexperienced and less knowledgeable than the other two. The massage could be a metaphor for the process of exploring and experimenting with your sexuality. The other two girls may represent a desire to learn from someone else who is more experienced, as well as a fear of being judged for your choices. The dream may also be a reflection of your own insecurities and fears of being intimate with someone, as well as a desire to be more open and accepting of yourself and your own sexuality.