Digital art, A group of science-born children with unique origins and their guardian are forced into a dangerous escape from unknown assailants, facing betrayal, tragedy, and unexpected encounters with prehistoric creatures and relentless adversaries.

Mafia hit?

Date: 7/5/2020

By sleepyhan

So it started off where this baby was born through science, as in, no human biological parents. It looked like they were born out of silicone but they were the only ones or one of the only ones to do so. Fast forward a few years until they were like ten? And people were after us trying to kill us and kill anyone in their way. So we (like 7 or 8 of us) fled and the mom who took in this science kid put different state tags on the car and a different cover so they couldn’t tell it was us. Then we went to this guys house we knew and followed him there but when we got there it turns out he ratted is out to the people who were trying to kill us and they killed the mom and the other friend she had so we had to leave so two of the oldest went into the front and drove off where we then found like a market and we got wigs and different clothing and then left. We then at some point picked this guy up and we warned him it wasn’t safe but he was like nah we’re good and took us to this hotel where we stayed for a night or two before dinosaurs(? Idek man) attacked us along with little guys ( think halo flood monsters) and we tried to keep them back but they started to over-take us and then I woke up

AI generated interpretation This dream appears to be a complex and action-packed narrative involving themes of danger, survival, and betrayal. Dreams often incorporate elements and symbols that represent personal experiences, emotions, or subconscious desires. It's important to note that dream interpretation is subjective, and the accuracy of the analysis depends on how well it resonates with you. The dream starts with the birth of a baby through scientific means, symbolizing a unique and unconventional origin. This could represent a feeling of being different or set apart from others in some aspect of your life. The use of silicone may suggest an artificial or manufactured identity. The presence of people trying to kill you and those around you reflects a sense of threat or danger in your waking life. This could represent conflicts or challenges you are currently facing. The idea of fleeing and changing identities suggests a desire to escape or evade these difficulties. The betrayal by the person you knew, who then reveals your location to the assailants, indicates a breach of trust. This may point to feelings of vulnerability or disappointment in your relationships or a fear of being betrayed. The use of disguises, such as wigs and clothing, signifies the need to hide or protect your true self. This may indicate a desire to blend in, avoid attention, or shield yourself from potential harm. It could also suggest a desire for change or a wish to explore different aspects of your personality. The introduction of dinosaurs and small creatures resembling the Halo Flood monsters adds an element of chaos and unpredictability to the dream. These creatures can represent primal instincts or overwhelming emotions that threaten to overpower you. This may symbolize a sense of being overwhelmed or challenged by external circumstances. Overall, this dream suggests a sense of danger, betrayal, and the need for self-preservation. It could reflect concerns or conflicts in your waking life and a desire to find safety and escape from these challenges. Consider reflecting on any current situations, relationships, or emotions that parallel the themes in the dream to gain further insight into its meaning.