Date: 2/8/2017
By SwaggyBoy9
I dreamt that I was in my English class, my old one with Mr. Somers. I was sitting at the back, usually where Michael sits and there were only 2 seats instead of 3, I was sitting with Karwin. I remember Gibby from iCarly was there aswel and it was weird but the whole class was in some sort of group chat on some messaging app. So I checked my phone and I saw Gibby without a shirt posing for a picture in the mirror talking about how he looks and how he's been working out... It was hilarious because he really didn't look like he was in good shape at all, quite flabby. (Not bashing the guy here, just being honest). Mr. Somers was also in the chat and he saw the picture and completely fucking flipped out at Gibby who was now in my class standing up in front of the class near his seat with our teacher yelling at him quite loudly. Nevertheless it was pretty funny to watch, Karwin also had more to do with this dream besides sitting next to me but I can't seem to remember.. Then I Woke Up.