Date: 11/10/2018
By Moonstar
Very vivid and colorful dream. I am living with my mother and aunt. I am out with Margaret and we meet a guy who seems attracted to me. Even though I don’t know if I really like him we make plans to go out later. The dream changes and now I am in a busy square full of shops with the guy I met previously who is now my boyfriend. Barbra Streisand is visiting one of those shops. We have written a song together and know that Barbra will like it if we can only get it to her. The store is now cordoned off but I get in pretending I am Winona Rider because I look like her. Barbra is delighted with the song. The dream changes point of reference again. My boyfriend and I are at a psychiatrist’s office stealing files (Dr. Suarez, whom I used to know a long time ago). We find records on people we never thought he would keep files on. There is one on Christine. In it there is an old picture of two girls who look alike...they look familiar to me but I don’t know who they are. There is a file on me as well. At one point there is a big pot of gruel in the office and we start putting the food into the files. I am fascinated by the fact that there is no mess...the files seem to absorb and transmute what we are feeding them. There was a lot more to this dream but I could not retain it. After feeding the files we go outside and it is beautiful. It is snowing lightly and all the dogs that pass by are wearing booties.