Concert and Book Faire feat. Mila Kunis

Date: 4/11/2020

By leathecage

I was Mila Kunis and I went to a Green Day concert with my brother (my brother, not Mila Kunis' brother), and a friend of ours (not irl, just in the dream). I wasn't feeling veryy well, so at the concert I stood close to the exit— which was still pretty close to the stage— while my brother and our friend were sitting in seats that were equally as close to the stage. Green Day's lead singer, Billie Joe Armstrong, was the only member on the stage performing, and he invited me up to sing. He handed me the mic and I screamed out one of their songs, and the audience went crazy. When I was done I went back to where I was standing, and Billie Joe stared taliking to my brother in the crowd. They started saying jokes about me, like saying I was just like Thomas Edison, and Billie Joe was laughing so hard. They also joked that I was going to go to the emergency room, and Billie was dying laughing. My stomach then started feeling worse, and eventually I ran out of the concert hall, which lead to a hospital. I did end up going to the ER. Eventually, I "woke up" from my dream within a dream, and I was no longer Mila Kunis, and was just myself. I walked outside of my house and thought about the concert (although I dreamed I was Mila Kunis, the concert still apparently happened). I then went to Twitter on my phone with my Mila Kunis account, and I wasn't sure if I was Mila Kunis, or if I just made a fake account. I didn't have a lot of followers, but I thought maybe it was because I hadn't tweeted anything yet. I started @ing Billie Joe Armstrong so I could tell him the jokes were so funny that I went to the ER three times, but I wasn't confident enough in my tweet to submit it. I then found myself with my best friend Tori at my old Middle school. The book faire was happening, and we were sneaking in so we could get free books. Us and a small group of more 20-somethings were also infiltrating the book faire, and we all sat down together at a table in the library. We were all chatting about boys and space cars, and I was trying to tell my story about the Green Day concert but I felt eyes staring at me. The librarian in charge of the book faire was waiting for us to quiet down, and we all were embarrassed and apologetic. The librarian then announced that the book giveaway will start after we hand in our posters we made about ourselves. Everyone in our group had made posters, except for Tori and I. Tori then got up and ran to the copy machine. When she came back, she handed me a small, black and white card with my face on it, and text that said "I like to read and dance", followed by my name. I thanked her for making my poster, and we handed them in together. I saw the poster she quickly made herself, and she also used a picture of me, but I was eating an apple. She apparently didn't have any pictures of herself. The posters were a success, so we all lined up to get our free books. After we got them, we tried to leave, but the librarian told us that we weren't allowed in the hallway. We ended up sneaking out of the emergency exit, and hopping into Tori's car. It was suddenly pitch black out, and we started driving home. We then saw something laying in the middle of the road. "What is that?" Tori said with concern. "It's probably an opossum," I replied. We drove past it, and Tori got a good look at it on the driver's side. "I don't think so," Tori looked scared "that kind of looked like Tad". I knew ahe was talking about Thaddeus, a guy we went to high school with. I told Tori to turn around so we could get another look at it. She turned around in someone's driveway, but stopped in the middle of the road far away from whatever it was. Oncoming headlights approached us, and they were not slowing down. The headlights were the glowing eyes of Mayor McCheese, and he ran as fast as a vehicle. He ended up running past us, and grazing the back of the truck, making us shake inside. Tori began driving forward, but she sped up, not wanting to see the potential body. We drove past it and I still couldn't get a good look. I told her to slow down, but she didn't want to see the body. I told her she didn't have to look, but I would. We turned around again, and drove slower. On passing, I saw that there was a pair of jeans and two shoes in the road, soaked in blood. I decided to call the police. I told them the street and the zip code, and that the half of a body was in front of the city library. The operator didn't believe me, saying that that location didn't exist and that I was just making it up. I repeated myself more confidently, but she hung up on me.