
Date: 4/11/2018

By Pandakitties

Had a dream where it was me, Luke Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, and someone they referred-to as the “Desert Dweller” all had to go on this epic journey to try and trigger Luke’s Jedi skills. It started off with just the three of us, our goal was to make it to my hometown where they were having a beginning of the summer special celebration, this was a once a year special where they crowned a new Jedi as an elite Paladin. Being chosen met they were one of the most powerful Jedi in the universe, coupled with a power suit . It was supposed to be Luke who was the next chosen one, but he couldn’t get his powers under control and was too arrogant. Even with Obi Wan taking us out to train him, Luke still wasn’t understanding how to be a Jedi, Halfway through the walk we found the Desert Dweller, he was mute and had no where to go, we didn’t know his name so we stuck with Desert Dweller, who Obi Wan said he could sense good in him and maybe a bit of the force, so we let him join us. The last leg of the journey was through a jungle full of angry big cats, which the Desert Dweller seemed to tame with just a pacement of his hand and they would follow him. He even made a pet out of a unusually large Jaguar, which he would order to attack whatever he pleases. When we got to our destination it was like an arena, with houses and buildings built up on top of each other and everywhere were people looking to meet the new crowned Paladin. This celebration was also coupled with a huge town wide feast, and the local youth putting on shows through the day. Everyone in town participated somehow. Obi Wan was worried because Luke hadn’t seemed to get a grasp on what it took to be selected and Desert Dweller was only getting stronger. The Desert Dweller stops just before the entrance, but we keep walking into the arena, greeting people. Turns out the Desert Dweller has conjured up enough powers he was able to control things, like selecting animals and having them fight or not fight and moving objects. He waits at the edge, looking like he is meditating until it’s time to select the paladin. He shows the crowd what he can do, wowing everyone and when Luke goes up he flops. The crowd crowns the Desert Dweller as the new Jedi and gives him a power suit, and the general gives him a giant gun. It takes him all but three seconds to start unloading the gun at the buildings and houses at the top of the arena. People are running around screaming at ground level, people are falling down the sides of the arena. Buildings toppling on top of people. We stand there in awe and Obi Wan starts telling Luke he needs to get his shit together. Luke saves a small family arguing, and gets his Jedi powers. The dream ends.