I watch too much TV

Date: 12/24/2016

By MoyashiRaita

prepare for tl;dr. so it was this weird supernatural mystery science fiction dream. I remember walking toward my home, when I noticed this weird tarp shed near the end of our driveway. our neighbor was out working in it, so whatever, we chat for a bit then I go home. But then later that night, I see a red glow, so I head out to make sure that nothing's on fire, like a good neighbor. I get out there, and there's a campfire in this shed, and the Winchester brothers are sitting in there with a baby. they don't notice me, so I'm all like, what's up? Dean looks up and drags me into the shed with them, and I freak out, he tells me to shut up, I should have stayed in my house, they salted all the windows and doors of everyone in the area, and now I'm a target for the demon too. so I shut up pretty quick, and help them take care of the baby. anyways, we spend a couple days there, and eventually I have to go out. I don't get back until after nightfall, and as I'm running back inside the shed, I feel something grab my ankle and burn it (actually hurt in the dream T_T) and they tell me I'll be tracked for the rest of my life by this thing unless they kill it, so how do I feel about being bait? as I'm about to answer, I shift dreams to a preschool containing one Harry Potter and Hermione, and I teach them how to make really big soap bubbles. then Hermione disappears and I'm investigating this old shed with the help of the Psych characters. I'm finding stuff all over the place and Lassie is like, yeah, we know, yeah, we know, until I bring up the basement. he starts to say something about how can a secret agent be so useless, but then stops and slides off the roof where we were and goes back in, we go to the basement and all of a sudden we're in this maze like compound, up till now I haven't seen anyone I actually know, but now all my friends are there + all the other characters from the rest of my dream. anyways, stuff happens, the thing starts constantly shifting, I start singing, and I'm pretty sure the Winchesters got rid of the demon, and then I woke up.