Date: 11/23/2017
By madnewman13😼
Okay so these are three dreams I had in three nights, the last is from a dream had last night, and the first and second ones listed are from the two nights before. This first dream I was carrying these giant balloons, and I had to get some place I believe for school purposes. I knew it was a while away, so I had to figure out a way to get there quickly. Suddenly, the balloons lifted me off the ground and the next thing I knew, I was being carried through the air by balloons. I almost got stuck in some trees! But luckily I steered away from them so I was okay. But I don't remember ever getting to my destination. Then I dreamt that I was at school, rushing to get to 6th hour, my science class. I walk into class; the classroom (which is not the regular classroom) is heavy with vape smoke. Everyone in the classroom was vaping, and my teacher didn't even seem to care, or notice! I sat down and looked around, some parts of the room I couldn't even see it was so foggy! I left the class confused. My dream last night I had a jet pack, and used it to visit an old friend of mine on a floating island in the sky, there were several actually, and they almost looked like bounce houses without tops. Apparently she lived there now, and I talked to her for a bit. I can't really remember the convo but I remember leaving and ending up on a bus that took me to my house. "How random!" I thought to myself.