Date: 7/18/2023
By TheDreamIsReal
Ho sognato di essere un attore. Avevo una serata pubblica, un evento con altri attori. Andavo a casa di un vecchio amico, E.T., per prepararmi. Mi dava i vestiti ma mancava la giacca. Arrivavano altri attori famosi, facevamo delle foto insieme. Mi sentivo bene, a mio agio. La serata finisce ma prima di andare via, sdraiato su un letto vedo A.G., un altro vecchio amico. Ha dei tremori. Gli chiedo se sta bevendo molto e mi risponde di si. Usciamo dalla casa dove si teneva l'evento insieme. Siamo sotto una stazione della metropolitana, mi dice che ultimamente si è asciugato molto e, aderendo la maglietta al corpo mi fa vedere un fisico magro e ben scolpito. Parliamo di dipendenze e gli dico che delle volte mi sembra semplicemente che non si smetta mai, ma che un vizio prenda il posto di un altro. Lui sembra d'accordo. Stiamo uscendo dalla metropolitana quando lui prende un'altra rampa di scale. Mentre salgo la mia rampa di scale mi arriva un pezzo di cacca in testa. Fuori dalla stazione vedo G.M., un altra vecchia conoscenza. Sono furioso e gli vado incontro minaccioso chiedendogli se è stato lui a lanciarmi la cacca in testa. È visibilmente preoccupato che possa fargli del male e mi dice di no. Trovo una fontanella dove mi lavo i capelli. Due belle signore arrivano dopo di me e mi chiedono quanto devono aspettare, dico loro un paio di minuti. La prendono di buon grado. Una tossicodipendente invece mi mette fretta, chiedendomi per quanto ne ho. Le dico ancora un minuto. Finito di lavarmi i capelli vado al ristorante dove lavora mio fratello, lo saluto affettuosamente. Cerco di comprare una birra alla spina ma mi dicono che devo aspettare 40 minuti (o 45? Non ricordo esattamente...) perchè è tardi e non bisogna creare assembramento sotto al locale. Cerco di telefonare ai miei amici dicendo loro di raggiungermi.
AI generated interpretation The dream you described appears to be a sequence of various events and interactions that can reflect different aspects of your waking life. Let's break down the symbolism and possible interpretations of each part: 1. Being an actor: Dreaming of being an actor can symbolize the desire for self-expression or a need to play different roles in your life. It may suggest that you are seeking validation or recognition from others and enjoy being the center of attention. 2. Going to your friend E.T.'s house: Friends in dreams often represent different aspects of yourself. E.T. giving you clothes, but missing a jacket, could suggest that you feel prepared in some areas of your life but lack complete readiness or protection in others. 3. Meeting famous actors and taking pictures: This part of the dream may symbolize your aspirations or the desire to be in the company of influential or successful individuals. Feeling comfortable and at ease in their presence indicates your confidence and self-assurance. 4. Encountering a friend with tremors: A.G.'s tremors and acknowledgment of excessive drinking might reflect concerns about someone you know or your own worries about addiction or self-destructive behaviors. It could also symbolize instability or the feeling that someone close to you is struggling. 5. Discussing addictions and vices: This conversation with A.G. could indicate your contemplation or reflection on the nature of addictive behaviors and the cycle of substituting one vice for another. It suggests an understanding that patterns persist unless addressed directly. 6. Getting hit by feces: Feces in dreams can symbolize the need to let go of negative thoughts or emotions. Being hit in the head may represent feelings of being overwhelmed or attacked by unexpected issues or emotions that you need to confront. 7. Confronting G.M.: G.M.'s presence and denial of involvement in the feces incident could reflect your frustration or anger towards someone you know or a situation that may have caused you distress or embarrassment. This confrontation might suggest a need to address unresolved conflicts or confrontations in your waking life. 8. Washing your hair: The act of washing your hair can symbolize cleansing or releasing negative emotions or situations. It signifies a desire to purify or refresh your thoughts and attitudes. 9. Interactions with others: The encounters with the two women and the drug addict in the dream could represent different aspects of your social interactions. The women's patience may reflect positive experiences and harmonious connections, while the drug addict's impatience may symbolize encounters with individuals who are demanding or draining. 10. Visiting your brother at a restaurant: This part of the dream suggests familial connections and a desire for closeness and support from your loved ones. Your effort to buy a beer but being told to wait due to the late hour could symbolize frustration or delayed gratification in achieving certain goals or desires. 11. Calling your friends to join you: The dream's ending, where you try to reach out to your friends, might signify your longing for social interaction, companionship, or the need for shared experiences and connections. Overall, this dream appears to touch on themes of self-expression, aspirations, unresolved conflicts, addiction or self-destructive patterns, cleansing or releasing negative emotions, and the desire for social connections. As with any dream analysis, it's important to consider your personal experiences, emotions, and circumstances when interpreting the symbols and meanings in your dream.