Date: 7/24/2019
By apaulogy
At this ghetto house prolly in fresno our whole house got caught up with a black family and this weird magnet problem withh the place They knew my brother n asked me family stuff I remember getting in a fight with a homeless guy cause a girl didn’t believe us when we said theres a random homeless man sleeping in a pile of trash outside and when my family poked at the guy he came at me. For some reason i remembered in the dream i already fought 9 people and won that same day cauSe i vaguely remember saying “you’re going to be the 10th person i fought today” in the dream i actually killed the 9 people before him N he wAs rhe last guy i killed. Anyways back to the black house withthe magnet problem it was like a johns house but with some ghost type thing and one super crazy guy that would slow me down whenever i was there . I remember wewere tryna visit some weird african country like nicuragua or jamaica. I take that back i remember why we had to go , there was one last thing we were fighting against as a family around some train tracks so we had to catch a train but i went back home and i had to go through that welcoming black family’s home to get to my house. After I finished worrying aabout packing. And finished packing It was time to go and i remember my brother being like yeah itz 10:10 lets go Itwas a weird dream Cause i ended being like “i need to make another stop before we go” and then i woke up here at 5:39 am right before my alarm went off. Today is my rest day i just decided so going back to sleep. Fill u in later