Date: 4/28/2022
By jorgasunrise
I was wearing this see thru dress that I didn't realize was see thru. This person i met a man with dark shoulder length hair. He talked to me in a way a new partner did. We laid down for a bit. Then I got up I was with Trixie and this other man she was seeing they had said I was talking about how I was talking about the color of someone's skin I told them thats not what I was saying at all but they weren't listening. I was so upset i told them I hated them kind of like a child does when they are angry. I went to find the bathroom. I walked on a path that hard no underneath and was like a gated cage all the way around until I got to the bathroom which I realized below me was what looked like a jail. I quickly decided I didn't have to go because people down below where watching. When I got back to Trixie she said she was leaving and it probably be better if I stayed cause I was drunk. I told her not to leave me cause I couldn't find my phone. She just told me I'll find my way. I cried in between parked cars. When the man I had met earlier ended up showing up and put me in his open face car. He hugged me while I told him what happened. Trixie came back and told him thank you for coming to her side. We decided to go to an amusement park. It was foggy and kinda dark green smog. Not many people one the rides that sheamed to whip faster with the lack of people. Everyone with me had left. I decided to go check out one of the side stall games. It was a thing where wild animals where alive thought they where beheaded and placed on a place. I ended up picking out one and then felt so sad and uncomfortable with the fact of its mounting. I then woke up