Traveling to Another Universe

Date: 4/13/2018

By Jadders

I member going to bed where I actually am, but woke up in a cosy bed outside the sealife centre back at home (I'm currently in university halls). I found that I had a slight chill. I open my eyes to see that it was snowing. I reasiled that something wasn't right. It didn't feel like a dream, its was so much more real. I knew exactly where I was. So I got up, made my bed. I turned around to see my parents inside. I went inside, and they asked how I slept. I said to them 'really Well actually, but something's not right. how can It be December? I remember it being April. I have memory loss of 7months, its not right' They just looked at me and laughed and said 'no you havnt, you have been here the hole time.' I started looking round the sea life centre, which they had brought and turned into a house. "We don't have enough rooms of you all so as of 2 years ago you had been sleeping outside, remember? We have always lived here". My parents kept saying it must have just been a bad dream. I told them how I was at university before I fell asleep, they replied with "no you have never gone to university silly, You work in Holland and Barrett gift wrapping pills." I decided to go for a walk and walked towards where home is. The place I know as home in my universe. It turns out it's not actually there. It's just a street with one pane of glass stood up, supported by nothing. Then I walked up the high street to only see one shop that I recognise, all the others were completely different. So I walk in the one shop I knew and questioned the owner at how is the shopping arcade still standing opposite? (as in my universe it burnt down in a fire 3 years ago). she seemed confused, as of course this unite it's always been there. As I walked further into the shop I started to have more and more deja vu and bloody powerful flash backs. The more I remembered the weaker I got, falling to the floor and laughing. Laughing so much it looked like a was crying. It turns out the shop owner had made me travel to another universe. She placed me here because of something I said. (I told her she needed to use deodorant, she was rather smelly) I had to collect and put things together from the shop to get back to my universe. What felt like and entire evening went by before I woke up back where I should have been. When I woke up I felt as if I really had the struggle of getting back, didn't feel like a dream, more of a trip. The trip to another universe!!