New Apartment, New Boyfriend

Date: 9/14/2018

By Moonstar

My friends make fun of me because I dream a lot about different famous people. The Queen of England and so on. I cannot help it. But yesterday’s dream was very puzzling, anyway... I have a new apartment. It is in a very bad part of town but the apartment is absolutely fabulous. It is actually a penthouse with a garden. The apartment is almost empty of furniture. There are three Queen size beds and kitchen and bathroom things. Not even all my clothe is in. I look great in the me 20 years ago without any of my imperfections. It is obviously me but improved. I have a short, very modern haircut, I am thin and wearing a navy miniskirts, tailored white blouse and leather flats...I look simple but elegant. Before getting to the apartment I have been out all day in the city with Mark Sandman, the front man for the band Morphine!!! We have been all over New York in his yellow lotus...the images are very vivid...Central Park, Soho, The Cloisters and a lot of other places I don’t recognize. In one of them there is a fountain and we get under it. We also go eat ice cream. The tables and chairs are high. Mark is serious but fun and I really like him. We like each other. At the end of the date he tells me that his ex girlfriend is still in the process of moving out her things from his apartment and he hopes I don’t mind that they have to talk. He says he likes me and that he will see me again the next day. He gives me his phone number in a tiny strip of paper. I am extremely excited when I get to my new apartment. I call my friend Sandy and tell her I would prefer to be going out with two or three more guys at the same time because like that I would not think so much about Mark. I go to sleep but wake up very early very worried because I realize that Mark did everything during our date and I did not do anything for him. I am worried about the ex girlfriend. Suddenly my brother wakes up screaming. I did not know he was in the apartment. His hair is weird....the tips are yellow and the rest black. He leaves. I am thinking I should make coffee for Mark instead of him making coffee for me. I want to call him but I have lost his phone, he said he would see me today but I don’t know the time. I am getting more and more desperate because I want to show him my penthouse garden and if I don’t get to see him again I will not get to show it to him. I love his blue eyes. I really like the guy more than I have liked anybody in a long time. An older woman comes upstairs turning the lights off..she is the landlady. I tell her I had not turned the lights on because it is just now that I am leaving for work. She shows me her legs which are swollen and beginning to get deep cracks in some places because they are very dry. I tell her she needs to put lots of Vaseline on them. The dream ends when I go to the front bedroom of the apartment which has a great view of the city to rest and find my friend Betty there.