i opened the forbidden vent

Date: 12/29/2019

By em2002

dec 27 2019: So i was at school, i knew that i was at carter but the inside looked like corpus christi and there were kindergarten classes and stuff... anyway so there were these two bathrooms in the kindergarten rooms (which were on the second floor and had a balcony attached to them?) and there was a vent in the first bathroom that i felt like i just had to find out what was in there, but it was like forbidden to look in there but i wanted to look anyway? so i snuck past the first kindergarten class and luckily the second classroom was empty so i went in the bathroom and i had someone with me but i forget who it was,, maybe my siblings or smth idk but anyway so i got too scared to do it while other ppl were with me so i walked out on the balcony with them and somehow we all got down to the ground (which looked like a giant version of my backyard apparently) and then i just went “okay stay here while i go investigate” so i climbed back up to the balcony and went in the washroom, my brother came with me tho bc i was scared to do it alone this time. so i went and opened the lid to the vent and a fuckin alarm went off so i immediately closed the lid and it stopped. I was still scared as hell tho, like I didn’t think it was that bad to just go look inside a crusty vent but apparently it was FORBIDDEN forbidden. Patrick was also like freaking out and was like “oh my god why did i do that i feel so rebellious” and i was like “dw its okay, theyre just dumb adults they wont know who did it” and we climbed down and met up with whoever else i was with and i was like “lol did u hear that alarm go off for half a second” and they were like “ya lol theyre calling u on the announcements” and all of a sudden i heard mr cordi calling my deadname and being like “come down to the office please” and i just got rly like annoyed or nervous or maybe a mix of both idr but then me and patrick just started running and i think my intentions were to go to the office at first but then we started running across a soccer field that was next to the school and then suddenly we were on this road in the middle of nowhere and it was getting dark and snowy and we see this cabin thing with lots of ppl inside it and i recognized it as the carter lunch room and cafeteria????? idk but then we knocked on the door and were like “hey how far is carter from here” and i think mrs greco answered and she was like “oh its at least a 20 min drive from here, sorry no one here has cars and we cant let u in since ur not staff” and we were like uhhh ok then and thats all i remember