Date: 5/1/2020
By TheMeaningOfRecit
In this dream, I was playing a video game. Actually, it was 12 video games in one. However, some of them were locked and you had to play other games to unlock them. I played it on my laptop, but I also had a mouse for some reason. When you start up the game, there is a menu, and the game choices are in rounded rectangles with yellow borders, and the ones that were locked did not show up at all. Everything was made of pixels. I forgot what the background looked like, but it was dark colors. Half of the choices were apparently Sonic games. The first one I chose to play was not a Sonic game. Instead, it just plays a cartoon movie. I think it was supposed to be as long as a regular movie, but there was one thing about it. Your mouse cursor still showed, and if it touches any shade of gray, the movie starts over. The goal was to get through the entire movie without touching gray, but I couldn’t even get through the title screen. I touched gray about 3 times before quitting to the menu. No characters or anything got to appear, just cartoon shots of a gas station and a stop sign and things like that. I forgot what happened next, but it involved me my sister, and my mom downstairs hearing something in the closet. This closet was used for storage, so it was filled with random stuff. When I went closer to see what was making the sound, it came out. I couldn’t believe it. It was one of my cats that died, Jasper. But he was apparently brought back to life. We all acted shocked, like how we would react to a dead cat coming back in real life. Anyways, I take him and carry while hugging him. I take him to an unspecified room and give him a small cup of cat food. Then I go back to my room and continue playing the 12 in 1. By playing the movie game for a few minutes, I unlocked a game. But the second game I chose to play was not that one. It was a Sonic game that never existed. Apparently this was a test game by the developers to look at and test certain features. The game was called Tails’ Dream, but the title never shows up at all. I already knew it. Tails is the only playable character, besides one part of a level played by a deformed version of Sonic. Then the dream skips to mid-game. Tails’ is in an area that looks like Scrap Brain Zone. There was one part of the level with a crane that carried a red beam, and you had to jump on the beam to get to the other side of the crane. That’s all I remember from that level. The next level looked like the underground part of Marble Zone, but without the lava or platforms. It was more like an empty tunnel with occasional spikes. There was one part where you had to fall down for a long time. Before the next level, there was a cutscene. On the left side was a bunch of code on a white background. On the right was a cartoon gas station. It could have been the same one as the one in the other game. This gas station has a red and white checkered roof and all of the gas pumps were black. The convenience store was brown and made of bricks. Then all of a sudden the building exploded and Tails runs out of the place. The video pauses on that part during the explosion. A text box appeared at the bottom right of the screen. It was just white with a black border. The text box said “You forgot to answer! Is this a fact or an opinion?” Apparently the code on the left triggered the text on the right. Dream me wasn’t confused by this, and typed the letter f and hit enter. Below what I put the text box said “Correct!” and then a few seconds later the dream skipped the rest of the cutscene. The next zone was more unusual. It was just gray shapes on a white background. The only obstacles in this level were a few spikes and gray things that crush you. During the level you will see the deformed Sonic I mentioned before. He was a 3D model, which was weird for a 2D game. His head was a blue sphere with 2 circular eyes that were not even connected. His body was another sphere and his limbs looked like noodles. He also had triangular spikes running down the back of his head. Overall he just looked very messed up. When Tails walked up to him another text box appeared in the same style on the bottom of the screen. I forgot what they said, but apparently the name of the deformed Sonic was Beta Sonic. This is the part where you play as him instead. Beta Sonic doesn’t even move when he walks, it’s just a still model. After switching characters, you have to walk right until you reach a wall. Then there are stairs going left and under the floor. He goes down the stairs and into a hallway. Then the dream skipped over the game again. This time I was on the final level. I was playing as Tails again. The background was gray and the floor and walls were made of blueish metal. Tails is in a hallway and he is walking to the right. At the end of the hallway is a square room. On the left side of the room are a bunch of rectangles that were supposed to look like gray iMessage bubbles. They all formed two lines of rectangles downward into two pits. The lines started at about the middle of the room to the left. Each message bubble had different heights with different text. There was nothing on the right side. When Tails went into the room, you could hear a voice. It explained that the game was only a test game made by the developers. There was a long speech about it, but I forgot most of the words. While the voice was playing, Tails jumped on the top message bubble to the right. When he did, the rectangle fell, putting him on the rectangle below it. Every one of them fell. Tails kept jumping from the left boxes to the right, making all of them fall. The further down he went, the darker the background got, until eventually, the scene switched altogether. Now the 12 in 1 was nowhere to be found. I didn’t know where I was now, since I had my iPhone very close to my face. I was trying to close out all of my apps. When I did, two vertical black bars appeared over the screen. It looked like when you close out apps in ios 6, but the black bar doubled and went from top to bottom instead. Other than that, everything seemed fine. All of the apps were on either the left bar or the right. I started to close out most of the apps, leaving out only one app on the left side. It had a bright green background with a picture of an old lady on it. I forgot what the app was called, but I remember it started with a W. I left this app not closed out, and that is how the dream ends.