Date: 11/5/2017
By Jadders
I was on the run, hiding from someone. Not sure who but I know it wouldn't end well if whoever it was caught me. I took shelter in a caravan that was fast to the ground. When all of a sudden I believed the thing out to get me was a monster.. I'm really not sure what changed it. Seen as I thought I was going to be in here for a while I started being nosy looking through all the cupboards and draws, when I come across a whole bunch of weed. Of course what did I do.. I smoked it. I might have smoked so much I felt on top of the world. I decided I didn't care about the thing chasing me and went home. Home didn't look like my really home, this one had a huge garden with motor bikes in it. So I stole a motor bike.. But it turned out it wasn't home I stole from it was just a stranger. They called the police on me and I easily gave the the slip. But I felt it was too easy so I smoked some more weed and walked to the police station and handed my self in.