Mothers choice

Date: 3/19/2017

By felishajobe

Everything felt so real.. my dream started off so real. Yet everything felt so unreal like how could this happen ? Anyways I lost my mother June 9th 2013 due to liver failure. I dreamt that my mother was alive but for some reason not the same... in this dream you had the choice of death and then your funeral. My mom was not sane she seemed almost already dead .. trapped in her own body trying to get out. She kept demanding she wanted to die and horrible her life was. She was in her wheelchair like when I seen her before she passed in June. She seemed evil and like a demon that was trying to drain every from everyone amongst her, I tried to talk her into being alive because I would miss her dearly but she kept claiming she wanted to die. I held her hand and told her if that's what she really wanted then I had no choice but to honor her wishes, I closed my eyes and held her hand and she whispered " Felisha let go " and then I woke up.