Disatser movie turned lucid dream

Date: 9/21/2016

By Convitz1234

I was in a large sprawling city like Portland Oregon mixed with New York City and there was something terrible going on. People screaming an running down streets. Buildings toppling over. A dream figure seemed to know what was causing it and he corralled a group together including me. He led us through the city, probably predicting the movements of whatever was causing the mayhem. It was around then I realized I was dreaming this. Ecstatic I took one more look at my dream companion who effectively lifted my consciousness to a level high enough for lucidity and started to fly. Flying came easy and it felt a bit more like rapidly levitating.. if that makes sense. I flew up above the city and saw a large building topple over onto another. I flew some more paying no mind to this as I knew I was in a dream and no ones actually perishing. I see a building with a roof that looked like an outdoor party area so I closed my eyes and willed a party to appear there with attractive women and so on. When I opened my eyes about 40+ people appeared on the roof, most of which were attractive women in dresses. I touched down on the roof but before trying any sexual escapades i thought I'd ask a dream figure what he represented (this is something Robert Waggoner, the writer of Lucid Dreaming The Gateway to the Inner Self, said was a good way to gain a deeper understanding of your inner self). I went up to a server and asked him what he represented. He said something like I am the creator or magic something something of food.. I forgot what he actually said.. it could've been very very far from that, but It was not something any average person would say. Next time I will make a stronger effort to remember what was said. After that I closed my eyes and willed the most attractive women in the world to appear before me, but I got too excited and woke up.