The Quaint Ginger Cake Shop; Roads of Glass leading to Mysterious Portals; & Suddenly Attending Church

Date: 6/3/2018

By fluffytree

Was a couple short dreams between today and yesterday but I'll start with yesterday's which had something to do with me visiting a quaint little shop someplace run by an old man who loved telling stories about his youthful adventures to anyone who would listen. It was a bakery he ran with him and his wife and she was particularly known in town for her delicious ginger cakes. I don't know if I had a physical body in this and could be seen and was merely an invisible observer, but I watched a teen girl and her little sister wander into the shop and listen to the old man as he served them cake and ginger ale. It seemed like this was a routine the siblings would do each day perhaps before school if they had time. I got to somehow taste it as well and it was really quite good. In today's dream I remember being at home and falsely awakening to go put my clothes in the dryer. In reality I really did want to remember not to forget about that very thing, yet in this dream I had it in my head that the dryer was all the way down the street at the park by the river that is 4 blocks away. I reluctantly proceeded to walk there only to instantly find myself back at home holding my clothes as if my brain just pressed the "skip" button. My brother and his daughter were visiting and my sister's son was running around playing with her too. It was nice to see them interacting again after so long, but then I got zapped into a strange dream world where I stood on bizarre roads in outer space made of glass. They led off in several different directions and none led straight off into the distance, but instead would curve upwards or off to the side at all sorts of odd angles that made it impossible to traverse without falling. Also with me being in space you'd think there'd be no gravity but that wasn't the case at all as I had my normal weight and could definitely fall into the endless vastness if I took a misstep off the sparkling road. I noticed that each endpoint of a road led to various portals, some of which I could see other worlds through while others were just whiteness. One such portal shown a land that was a beautiful tropical beach and I immediately wanted to go there but it was high above me and only accessible from one of the road directions that curved upwards at a 90 degree angle. The only way I could get there was to will myself through the dimensional rift and into the other side. Now I found myself in that tropical world laying on the beach. There were other people here, some dressed in regular clothes while others wore tribal outfits and masks as they danced around a fire. I watched them along with everyone else and found the fire hypnotic in nature. So hypnotic that I felt myself being mentally pushed into a different dream altogether. Now I was sitting in a church attending the service. I sat surrounded by people I did not know but I've been in this environment plenty of times to immediately sigh and wonder when it'll be over. The first thing they did was have everyone silently pray and we all bowed our heads while some kneeled. I chose to kneel. It was so strange how everything was dead quiet while I closed my eyes. No sounds whatsoever, not even a cough or a shuffle in the crowd. It was disconcerting to say the least. This had to be the most disciplined crowd I've ever been in. But then I did begin to notice the breathing of the man sitting next to me. He was a bit obese and so his breathing was more labored than usual. It was comforting to hear though. The prayer time did last unusually long and I eventually grew impatient and opened my eyes only to realize it was over and I was the only one still kneeling. Slightly embarrassed, I got back into my seat and the next part of the service had a woman get up to speak. There was this girl next to me who seemed familiar but I never got a clear look at her. She sat next to a man that I assume was her boyfriend. Anyway, she began swaying from side to side, something that's not unusual for people to do in the more lively churches during song, but there was no music, only the sound of the woman on stage making announcements. The girl swayed more aggressively and I was beginning to get weirded out by it. Then she rocked back and forth causing the entire pew to actually tip backwards and sent us all over. But then time reversed suddenly and put us back the way we were. It seemed the reverse was very localized because the woman stopped speaking to call the girl out on her disrespectful behavior and man was she pissed. I started feeling embarrassed even sitting next to her to the point where I just woke up.