bruh this was from a couple of days ago during a nap but i just remembered it

Date: 6/23/2019

By woyote

okay so basically my dad was bringing me bag from his house n then there was tornados. alsjshamaksi okay so we stopped at this gas station n we went inside n it was almost complete6emoty but we were panicking n trying to find somewhere safe so i go down these stairs n find out it's a completely glass basement surrounded by ocean. remember that i live in nebraska n it was all corn fields surrounding this place. i run up all scared n shit n the station is suddenly filled with people, everyone is trying to get out tho bc the basement was overflowing with water n were gonna drown if we stayed inside. idk this is messy asf but their were tornados coming towards us in every direction. like deadass we were completely surrounded. idk how but my mom, brother jeremy, aunt cara and my dad are all together for some fkjng reason so we all pile into one car n just take a chance. we drive away and try n dodge tornados??? no idea how but we just drove right past like two. then we came back the station n everything was fine bc the tornados were going in the other direction and we ran around in the street ??? literally no idea what it was but okay.