Date: 9/7/2017
By marcela
I'm sitting in the door archway of our old house with my two friends and we are planning on having a sleepover. I pull out a cigarette and start smoking it really fast because one of my friends' parents is coming and I don't want them to see. I put the cig under a bench that wasn't there before, my other friend takes it and finishes it off. We are preparing to sleep in front of the other door into the house, one of my friends has left. We are lying in a way that we are facing my neighbor's backyard, which is filled with overgrown grass and vines. It has an ominous feeling and makes me feel uneasy. I find myself lying even further down the yard next to the shed. All my friends have left and I'm alone. Someone arrives, it's a woman and she's bringing one of my older cousins with her, he's gonna live in the house and I don't bother to tell them there's a some kind of ghost inside. I see the lights in the house turning on and their shadows walking around. I am home in our bathroom spraying a new fixing spray on my face. It smells like coconut, even though I told my sister to order the grape scented one. I'm in the living room taking things out of a box. The end is near, people have been turning into zombies. It all looks very much like a scene from Train to Busan, but somehow the zombies aren't that bad. Their faces are changed only minimally and softly grey. I want to close the door and barricade myself because some of my family members have turned and I am afraid of them. My brother arrives and tells me something. I look it up on my phone.