Sketchy Area

Date: 12/4/2020

By ace200

I was with some friends (KP and CB), including some Hispanic girls that I did not recognize. We were planning on going to some place that was lowkey sketchy. However, I was going along with them because I didn’t want to seem like a loser. The place was like a little shopping center, except sketchy. The stores were aimed towards teenagers and stuff. We went into an anime store, which was really bright inside. I was beginning to get the impression that this place was for make out sessions, because the workers were snickering at us and stuff. The one Hispanic girl grabbed my arm and was pulling me along, telling me we had to find a spot. I just continued to go with it. She kept finding spots, except that they were too public for me and I wanted something more private. We couldn’t really find anything so I think we left the store and went outside. The Hispanic girl suddenly turned into a white boy with longer blonde hair, and he guided me to this cage thing full of naked people making out. I felt uneasy, but really wanted to push myself to do this since my friends were doing it. He led me to a spot and told me to strip as he began to, so I did. Some people were masturbating and moaning while others were sleeping together. I tried not to watch the couples around us as he got closer, but before he kissed me he fled the cage. He started puking this weird slime, and it got super dark outside as night suddenly fell. He told me he needed a minute and walked behind this building, however as he did I saw two boys attack him. I didn’t know him at all and wasn’t sure whether to interfere, but suddenly people started running all around me and screaming. Some stopped to puke slime around me. I found KP, and I apologized for going along with everything. She told me I was stupid for getting involved, and we finally found an old woman. When we talked to her, nobody attacked us or anything. So we stayed by her.