Date: 8/10/2018
By Moonstar
I am at the platform of a train station talking to people on a train waiting to depart. Harv is talking over me. I tell him that I never knew he wanted to be the boss. He says all he wants to do is help me and I tell him then he should shut up. The train starts moving and he jumps on it and helps me jump from the platform to it by extending his hand. In the train I find a salesman I know. Very handsome and talkative. He is wearing business attire and a blue necklace. He tries to give me his phone number but the my pen has no ink and I cannot write it down. I am wearing a ruby necklace. We get to NY U. I am the nurse in charge and I am trying to teach the nurses there how not to get in trouble when putting in for vacation. When the shift is over we have to get out using a ladder that is outside of the building. Since we are on the sixteenth floor it is scary but several of us do it side by side. I am very happy to be living in New York again.