Date: 10/28/2022
By Fitful
There was a marker on the door, a magical one. It was a tiger but also very connected to a flower. It was a protector spirit for this little cul-de-sac part of town. Big apartments were situated in a half moon and that part of the city seemed like the only part. There wasn't anything beyond it. The marker was a protector of the town. It often came about a magical beast - immortal - would come out and keep them safe. It often had an attachment with a person to care for it. This had been happening for years. This was very accepted as reality. The spirit marker chose people. I - or a girl who I was often in the perspective of - was the new choice. She was purity, her flowers were different. Her new lover, he'd been chosen before, and he was something akin to purity too, a compliment. The market had many chosen before. 12 or 24. Didn't really count. But the marker kept getting loose off the door, and it caused panic in the temple and the cul-de-sac. People kept thinking it was getting stolen. In reality the previous chosen just took off. they were uncooperative with the new regime. Finally we decided it was time to pin them down for a chat. She was going to, but in a conversation with some fellows of the town, it turned out they weren't aware of what kink was, and although they practiced a form of BDSM they didn't know they were. So it was too confusing to have a conversation. He decided she should stay while he went into the marker. Inside it was just a dusty dirt road in the summertime, like something out of Peter Rabbit. He did something that made it so all the marker's hosts were in the same place, all people set up in two rows. He managed to call himself and her into the place as well, and they were suddenly app there, aware, in person, in some astral court. A few markers didn't appear in person, a black window was there for them. And many were animals of some sort, looking fantastical and a little crazy. Often one or two resembling a person had an animal companion. Those animals caused some commotion on purpose. They - as a group - weren't happy to have she as purity leading them. Or him, he was also akin to purity. Or her but they'd tolerate him better. Really they objected to her. They grumbled and no one wanted to cooperate. It was as if each life was in it for themselves, despite they were basically now of the same soul. She and he isolated the rabbit chosen. It bled carrot juice when upset. We thought one on one we could get answers. But the interrogation was going poorly.