All the Baddies Abound

Date: 10/13/2017

By itsliz

I suppose the dream starts when me and my friend Mika arrive to something like a high - end hostel. The corridors are wide with dark blue carpet and white walls, yet when we arrive to our room it's like having a private dorm unit with two bedrooms connected by the entry hallway that leads to probably a kitchen or living room of some sort that we don't have the energy to check out since we're too tired. I was under the impression me and Mika would sleep in the same room since there are two twin beds, but the room off to the left has a larger bed and has a few steps leading up to the room which is decked out with Christmas lights, even if it's much higher to the ceiling. She doesn't seem to mind and said she'd rather sleep in her own room and she'd take the smaller one. Shrugging it off, she slowly goes into her room and I watch to be sure she doesn't hit her head and them I go into mine to unpack a few things and get ready for bed. There's a very large mirror on the wall just beside the door, although it reaches down to around my chest. I turn toward the mirror and try to fix my hair a little but catch sight of a figure standing beside a bed by the window looking outside so I gasp a little and turn around but there's no one there. I turn to the mirror slowly this time wondering just how tired I must be to see that. it takes another moment but this time it happens again. When I glance at the same bed I see a guy lying there. He's wearing a jacket and is in the "draw me like your French girls" pose with black short hair and a round face that makes me sick since he's grinning awfully. I stare and blink to be sure he's in the mirror and I seem to have lost my voice as I call for Mika once, and then try again a second time which is a little louder but the guy doesn't seem to hear. I manage to bolt and go out the room, slamming the door shut behind me. I knock on Mika's door and she comes out confused, and I pull her to my door unable to speak, opening up my room and making her look inside to be sure I'm not the only one who can see this guy, but she yelps and we both shut the door, confirming he was REALLY there and he had been jacking off making us believe that perhaps he wasn't willing to do The Nasty with our consent. I guess we called the police and waited, because there's a scene change and it's this guy handcuffed and being led out and the police explaining that there's some gang out there that they have an initiation where they have to take a girl by force for sex. It seems to have issued a challenge, because it's another scene change and I'm sleeping on maybe the same day or another day. There's a noise at my window and I wake up, reaching for a crowbar. The window opens and in comes some guy that I don't know or remember what he looks like. I smack his head with the crowbar, calling for Mika and she comes inside. Deciding it's time to do something instead if calling the cops since this is starting to look weird, we drag this guy to the cellar where apparently we have the only access to it. It looks like an attic but it's a cellar and we manage to stuff this guy into a closet that we bolt shut. The nightmare becomes a blur from here on out. I guess we were using the cellar already since someone comes flying out from somewhere so Mika and I hit him with a crowbar. He's thin with black hair and tall with glasses and a track suit., looking like a nerd. We open up a hatch and there's a square indent in the floor. We open up another hatch in the center which opens up to a small square opening that leads into a lower room with a ladder there. We simply throw the guy inside and he goes like a sled down a snow hill through the square hole and into the room below and I'm pretty sure we hear a sickening crack down there that satisfies me that we're getting rid of intruders. Guys start popping up like crazy, like people invading a castle through grappling hooks in the wall and climbing up. It's next to impossible trying to hit them all and hide them, and I lose Mika at some point. Eventually I come to realize there's nothing I can do to help myself so I start pretending to be bad like them. I don't know how I pulled it off but it's another scene change. We're outside and it looks like a greener version of the road by my sister's house complex/neighborhood. There are cars coming and going and I'm with a group of other baddies and we're being rambunctious and I want to seem to fit in. The way I do that is to start running through traffic. It feels like I'm running a little slowly, or that my steps are shorter than they normally are. In reality I'm trying to get away. The group cheers me on before realizing I'm still going and take off after me, but then I wake up.