Winter Bike racing.

Date: 10/17/2019

By josiah22

It was a winter day and I went to a winter Bike race event in Alaska. The race track was long and curvy, and the width of the path was about 4 to 12 feet wide the whole way around, the announcer open building was green and several other small buildings surrounding it were also green. I didn't know exactly what place I was in but I was somewhere in the middle of the pack or further ahead. They gave you your own bike when you got there, there were about 20 to 30 bikers in the competition and wherever the pack of bikers were that's where you hear the announcer's voice. The trail was loose in some part but others were solid, and each lap was about 10-20 minutes long for the bikers. I was close to the front, about 5th or 8th place. So there must have been about 28 to 30 bikers, and other times it seemed there were only 15 bikers. On the other side of the finish line, there was a particular Hill you had to get on then run up to the other Hill, then for some reason you had to quickly put your FRONT TIRE in between these little 2 inch tall bottles without knocking them over with your tire then continue on the trail, if you knocked 1 over you would have to climb the hill again and and try again. It was so frustrating I knew it was rigged to get me and others behind in the race. And was either placed there by the race managers or the racers themselves. And some of the other racers breezed through it or passed it. The end.