cabin in the woods + werewolf brother

Date: 1/11/2017

By cdreemurr

two dreams: in one, my older brother kinda turned into some sort of wolf thingy?? and was very murderous, as you do, so my little sister (?maybe? not totally sure) and i tried to calm him down so we could take him back home. in the end, the color red made him a lot calmer and willing to "listen" to us. we got him to get in the car with us, and we drove him back home!! -- this one was third person pov; i wasn't in the dream at all. instead, it followed sam and dean winchester from supernatural? they were in some sort of....cabin i guess? and they were stuck there because an angel (don't remember the name/not in the show) was harassing sam. maybe it got worse when they tried to leave? not sure. anyway, they were living off rations and stuff and dean was about to Lose It™ because "why does sammy always have to bring this bs with him?? give him a break??" and eventually these other hunters showed up and tried to kill sam and dean (a girl and a guy for sure...maybe another slightly younger girl bc im pretty sure there were three). im not sure why the other hunters wanted to kill sam and dean, but the winchesters took out the two older ones pretty quickly and then tried to get away. i think the angel was injured in the fight so sam and dean high-tailed it out of there. right before they could leave, the younger hunter blocked the exit, and was about to shoot them with the last gun (sam and dean had dropped theirs), when the angel showed up, weak and bleeding, and killed the girl so they could get out. dean leaves the area (it may have been warded? maybe on a different plane?) asap, but sam stays to talk to the angel as he dies. then, sam follows dean out. anyway they go to a soup kitchen i think? for some reason? and have a nice, fresh meal including chili and hot dogs!