Anime Heaven in the Somewhat Familiar Best Buy

Date: 3/10/2018

By fluffytree

I was at some college campus I never been to before just aimlessly wandering around. I felt kinda anxious being around all these unfamiliar people in an unfamiliar setting but after going up to the 2nd floor and looking down at the main lobby I saw that a Best Buy was connected to it so I decided to head over there. Once inside I immediately recalled coming in here in a past dream I had maybe a week ago. Who knew it was connected to a college all this time? Then again in that dream I just appeared in here randomly and never went towards this connected area. I wasn't looking for anything in particular so I figured I would check out the anime section. A manager sees me looking kinda lost and asks if I need help. I started to say no like I usually do, but decided to accept his help and asked where the anime aisle was. Or should I say tiny section since that's what's usually available at Best Buy these days unfortunately. He motioned for me to follow and led me to not only a literal aisle of various anime, but then a small enclosed room with more anime in it. This one seemed to be mostly box sets. Full seasons of Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Eureka Seven, and so many more old favorites of mine. I'm not sure how long I spent in here but it was a considerable amount. Then I remembered I did wanna check out a particular series but couldn't think of the name so the manager helped me look for this vague series the whole time. We never found it but I had fun looking through everything nonetheless and soon woke up afterwards.