Alien Tech

Date: 9/9/2019

By ladydmj

I was walking down a street and suddenly I became lucid and realised I was in a dream. I looked around and saw a man in I kind of shop window, he looked like a rough kind of sailor type with mottled skin and bloodshot eyes. I told him I wanted to know about the universe and why I was here. He looked at me and asked, are you sure you want to know? Sometimes it’s better not to know everything. Suddenly I became unsure, but I said yes and they let me go into the room behind him. I was surrounded by men in a white bedroom.. it was like they were waiting for something & although they didn’t seem malicious, I decided I should leave and flew past the man at the door. Then I found myself outside looking and at the sky and it became a screen. Then I was in a room and a screen came down in front of me. It had an ancient looking frame and was hyper real and clear. I was really trying to focus and concentrate to remember what I was seeing. Some of it was just words materialising & forming, like in an ancient alphabet which reminded me of Arabic. Then there were lots of detailed diagrams and blueprints of what looked like advanced or alien technology. It was flashing over the screen for a few moments, like I was supposed to see & memorise it.. it was in incredible detail and hyper real, but it’s difficult to remember. Then I was with a girl and we were in a room with two men. They sat in opposite corners of the room & one of them began to transform into another being & send a physical drill like extension from his mind into the other man. That man then transformed into another being & had tricked him & was accessing his thoughts. We knew we had to get out & find cover as a war was about to erupt. We ran through the streets and into a hotel lobby as we heard explosions and saw orange/white flashes outside. She ran out to find someone & wouldn’t come back in. I saw the light change and dived down some stairs into a cellar area for cover. I moved quickly to find somewhere to hide and found myself hiding in a small room deep in the building, but with no roof. It was snowy, as if the climate had changed in a flash to snow & ice. I crouched down and stayed still, concentrating on not being found by the invaders.