Time Travel Purgatory

Date: 10/9/2017

By owlixx

I had the craziest dream/nightmare and I need to tell someone before I forget. For some reason, I was uncontrollably time traveling. So were my parents at least but I don’t think it was everybody in the world. Anyways we would jump forward 10 or 100 years froward every Time and only be in an area for like 10 minutes or an hour or something. I think maybe the time travel was kinda random back and forth but it was like someone else was in charge, not just random. Anyways we knew this was the end of our lives and this journey was our last chance for meaning but also fun. Sometimes I was aware of my parents traveling with me and sometimes it was just me or just me and other travelers I can’t remember. Anyways for whatever reason, our actions didn’t have consequences unless we died, so I remember a lot of being a dick at the supermarket until time ran out or trashing a mansion just for fun or doing weird things waiting for the next jump to happen. Eventually things got darker and weirder. People started to permanently die and sometimes we repeated an an area/time I think. Anyways we only once actually went into the future and that’s when we knew it was almost over. It was super sad but we knew it was the final jump. When the end came, we were all sitting around my table (can’t remember if my parents were there) and there was a screen with two options. It was like 2 different Reddit comments and you had to pick which one was better. And then it was like 2 different headlines. It kept being 2 different options and you just had to pick which one was better. It was always me choosing for some reason. Each choice reflected something deeper, like whether justice was fairness or equality, stuff like that. The choices reflected the lessons learned and the observations I made over the course of the journey. At the end it gave a summary screen listing what my choices meant. I remember saying “that’s it? This is how it ends?” And feeling like I did my best but maybe didn’t pass it 100% and then I can’t remember anything I think this was inspired by my stop and start waking up every hour in the morning and falling back asleep. Also a factor is the conversation with dad about the significance of our lives on the cosmic scale. Also a minor factor is the video on Facebook of a man acting silly in Walmart. Definitely had a Groundhog Day feel to it. Also inspired by the Morality episode of RadioLab I listened to yesterday.