Date: 1/26/2020
By Vagrant.Son
Im hanging out with a bunch of people in front of crater scare. We're lighting little fire crackers. We see the police coming and we all scatter. I run to the back of the complex, but its been gated in. I hide behind steps and look out at the scene. I notice the police are getting closer to where i am so i run away and find this carpeted stairwell that leads down into a basement. It looked rlly creepy so i stayed at the top of the stairs. 2 women and a bunch of little kids also run to my hiding spot and the kids keep trying to jump on to my back and grab on to me. I push and shove them away. They start crying and continue trying to jump on me. I go further down into the carpeted stairwell to get away from them. At the bottom of the steps is a half size doorway.