
Date: 9/9/2017

By estherolo

This is the most disturbing dream I've ever had and it actually brought me close to tears when I woke up. I don't remember how it started but all I know is that I was a bit younger than I am now (maybe 12) and my younger brother was with me as well. We were there with about a dozen other kids. We in a basement that smelled absolutely terrible and there were red stains and streaks everywhere. Soon a man walked down the steps to meet us and I don't know why but I felt relieved and terrified at the same time. I'm not sure what happened after that but I realized that the man was a serial killer and we (the children) and been kid napped and now brainwashed into killing for him also. My real person (one who was dreaming) couldn't believe it but my dream persona was fine. There were different days and I don't remember all of them but I remember one we're I had thought I was about to kill my the person who had brainwashed me (I'm going to call him Manson. I'll explain later) but turns out it was a completely different person. I don't know why this person was down here of why they were just laying on our beaten down couch. But it didn't make a difference to me and I continued to stab the person over and over in different places. There was blood everywhere but I felt like I had to do it. Hours passed and Manson still wasn't home. The kids told me I was going to get punished for killing someone Manson had not ordered us to. I became anxious because I knew the history of Manson's punishments. He would beat and cut amongst other things, yet us children still felt as though we wanted to stay there. He was around 30 so I'm assuming he raped some of the children as well. Anyways Manson finally came home and realized what had happened. He called me into his room and I felt like crying (something tells me I was one of his favorites. But I don't know for sure. I don't really want to think about it). I reached the room and he was there waiting for me with a large knife, similar to the one I had killed the man with. I quickly came up with an excuse and said "the man was trying to take us away so I defended myself." Manson told me to come closer but I was hesitant so he smiled and said "I'm not going to punish you, I'm here to tell you I'm proud. You took control and killed without me asking." He then gave me the knife and told me it was mine to keep. I don't know what happened after that but fast forward to different day, maybe months later. I'm not sure why but my family was here and it was as if I had never left. It was a normal day and we doing normal family things. As if Manson never even existed. Until my family walked into the basement. The noticed the pungent smell right away. It was like dead bodies had been rotting there for months. Something told me to distract them so I tried to but it didn't work. They opened boxes and freezers and found everything. They were terrified but I was relieved. I felt safe again. Like all of the brainwashing had been swiped away. But I still knew Manson would could back and when he saw what was going on he would kill us all. I told my sister to quickly call the cops (weird because I don't have a sister in real life) and surprisingly they came in around 2 minutes. Then I went in search of my little brother to make sure that Manson had not gotten him yet and that he was safe with us. We all made our way upstairs and waited for Manson to come home. I had found my brother and he was standing next to me but he suddenly burst out through the door. I didn't know what to do I was so overcome with fear of us being caught so I raced after him. Everyone else followed me as well. As soon as I got outside Manson was marching towards us. This time I was really frozen in fear. I just wanted to be killed to get it over with. But I had forgotten that the police were with me, the shot him in the leg to stop him from coming any closer. But I had wished they continued shoot and kill him. To rip him apart and take his body fat far away. That was when I realized that what Manson had done to my brain was stuck with me. Manson, upon seeing me was filled with rage. He shouted terrible words and squirmed around in the officers' hold like a mad man. I, once again, was terrified. They took Manson away but I had finally had enough. I broke down in tears and kneeled on my front lawn. Now that Manson was gone what was going to happen to me? I and a dozen other kids had helped Manson in his crimes. It was just as much my fault as it was his. Someone asked me what was wrong and I told them everything. All of the killings including the one I killed myself. I continued to sob on the grass hysterically- but then my dad woke me up and I was so relieved. I named the series killer "Manson" because I've been reading a book called "The Life and Times of Charles Manson" for English class. I think that book was why I had this dream in the first place, many of the things in here were similar to Manson's crimes. Now I dread having to finish the book and hope this dream never happens again.