Digital art 4k scene from a movie: An individual finds themselves stuck in bed, unable to move, see, or speak, feeling as though the air around them is thick like tar, struggling to crawl towards the door for help, only to encounter eerie doppelgangers of loved ones instructing them to go back to bed.


Date: 12/28/2017

By DreamCarousel

This dream happened last year and I thought I would record it since it was that memorable. I woke up in bed and couldn't move, I couldn't see, and I couldn't speak. I remember it felt like the air was thick tar, and there was no way to move in it. Raising my arms was so very difficult. It felt like I had two big sacks of rice on each arm. It took me hours to finally fall on the floor. From there I was trying to crawl to the door. Even though I was blind, I would see little bits of light in my vision. The door had light spilling under it. So I crawled towards it to get help. This felt like such a long time. Once I was at the door (I had been crawling the whole way), I raised my arm to open the door. But it took me several attempts because my arm was still so weak and felt weighed down. I got it open and i was still blind but sometimes my vision would show faint images like the hall in front of me. It was very, very bleak and hard to make out. But nevertheless, I crawled forwards until I got to the kitchen. It felt like hours, once again. My vision had come back at the kitchen. But the kitchen was very long and extended. Several copies of my kitchen were lined next to each other. My mom and my stepdad were there. I managed to croak out, "Help me." But they weren't my mom and my stepdad. They were them physically, but I knew it wasn't them. One of them turned to me with a blank stare and said, "Go back to bed." So I turned back and crawled back to my bed. Once I got in my spot, I woke up in real life.