Cheating Panic Dream Extravaganza!

Date: 10/7/2019

By dmarks563

So yeah this one I’m recording pretty late after I’ve woken up, but the premise is that it was a cheating dream. I’m in a relationship with someone that I very much love, and so of course what I get are often sexual dreams followed by the panic of having cheated within the dream and subsequent chaos. This one started with me talking with someone who I remember from years ago, and we had once been close friends. She’s talking to me, and next thing I remember she’s sitting on my lap, and she kisses me, which then sends the panicked thought through my head ‘I CHEATED ON MY DARLING THERES NO GOING BACK NOOOOOO’, and so I was a little panicked. Anyways, the situation escalates, and turns into a full blown sex dream, and then, reflecting on it now it’s incredibly weird, but she changed into a different person halfway through, and then the whole thing keeps going. Anyways, I wake up panicked, but am once again happy to find it was just a dream.