Date: 1/29/2018
By Raul
Black blooded demons walk the earth. when they bite people, the demon virus is transmited. The demon virus changes the humans apearence, making the skin pale and sharpening the teeth and gingernails. It also changhes the blod color and viscosity, making it black in color and thick as syrope. People infected by this virus are extremely violent and go to any lenght to spread the virus. They seem to have a hive mind transmiting information trough pheromones to nearby infected people. The infected are highly agyle and retain theyre memories and personalities, so they have some control over theyre actions but not much of it. After they are killed they turn into mindless imortal zombies, killing any humans they encounter. The only way to kill them once the second phase of the transformation has ended is by destroing the brain. Some people seem to be imune to the virus and I am one of them, cursed to live forever and fight these demons for as long as I can. The imune gain imortality and highten senses once they are infected, we also have the ability to open portals to the dimension where these creatures initialy came from.