Unwanted Visitor in my Ear

Date: 10/10/2020

By Joven8888

It was late in the morning, about 10:00AM, and I still don't want to read my modules for a little while. I went outside our house and sat on one of the chairs in the terrace. I was doing something, when suddenly, I heard a quite loud buzz near my ears, but I didn't feel anything got near me, so I just continue doing what I was doing. Suddenly, I heard another buzz, but this time, it was way louder and closer, as if I could already feel the vibrations. That's when I had the suspicion that a (potter) wasp has entered my right ear. At the same time, my mother came out, so I told her to check my ear because I think a wasp just entered my ear. I heard a buzz again, then mother checked and confirmed that it was a wasp. She got something inside our house and tried to get the wasp out of my ear using tweezers. I told her not to because it might sting my ear. Eventually, my mother has successfully removed it from my ear, without me being stung, but upon getting she also accidentaly killed the wasp. I said that I wanted to see it in my foldscope. And then I woke up.