My Christmas Special

Date: 12/25/2017

By nexus

I was extremely conscious making it hard for me to fully get into sleep, i was originally going to astral project and go to my friends house which almost happened but my body wasnt completely asleep so i ended up being half way out of my body and the other half physically moving, the vibrations happened a couple times but i kept messing up so i decided to wait till the morning (im trying right after i finish posting this) Anyways i finally fall asleep but by then the vibrations were gone and i waisted all my time being conscious so it was a regular dream for the most part, It was christmas and i was dressed like santa and there were meteors about to hit the town then the scene shifts and im on a train for some reason, cant remember what happened on the train The next dream was a school field trip yo some facility i cant remember what they were working on but there was this secret underground level with some crazy demon girl i ended up fighting. The next dream was me playing a demo of the new spiderman game coming out but it turned into me actually being the spiderman in the game which was pretty cool.