
Date: 2/22/2019

By Alicem

I had this crazy lucid dream that I was driving in my car and my boyfriend was in the backseat, and it started to swerve , there was a chp on the road and I was terrified of getting pulled over so I tried to get into a different lane and lost control of the car . I had this slow mo sensation of the car flipping then everything went black. I started waking up (in my dream) and I couldn’t really see anything but it felt like we were upside down, I was just yelling for my boyfriend at the top of my lungs. I was terrified he had been hurt or killed. I haven’t had this sense of panic in a long time. I couldn’t stop yelling for him and searching around with my hands, praying he was there. As I finally was able to see, he was not in the car and all the windows were open and the car was upright. I was in a completely different t neighbor hood, one I did not recognize. But I still felt that sense of fear that he was hurt and I wouldn’t be able to find him. I tried to understand what was going on and where I was but I couldn’t all I felt was fear. I tried to drive away but my car had no steering wheel and it started to move on it’s own. I freaked out and hopped out of the car and started running away from it. The headlights then turned on and it revved it’s engine and came at me full speed like it was trying to run me over. Again as this whole dream has been, I was panicked running for my life, as I reached a tree and a fence my car barely missed me but as I was peering over the fence hanging onto the tree, a man that I couldn’t really make out (but I thought was my boyfriend) was pointing a gun at me so I screamed that it was me and to not shoot. I jumped down trying to find cover as I ran past the fence, yelling my boyfriends name.... then in real life my boyfriend woke me up and reassured me everything was ok and that I was shaking and moving a lot and it woke him up. Even awake I felt so anxious and panicked, reassured that he was okay and it was a dream but my heart was still racing 😫. It felt so real..