Date: 7/9/2020

By Kantz_Dreams

So, in my dream (I thought I was awake), I was getting ready for bed when I realized that there was a bug in my room. I went to get some bees to get it put, but they just made it worse, and I was worried that I would get stung. I went downstaries to get some bugspray, when the thought occurred to me that I was dreaming (in the end where I dissect the dream I’ll tell you how I became lucid). I literally started to float and feel SUPER tingly all over my body, it was overwhelming. I thought I was going to wake up, like I always do, but I remembered a strategy. I tried to remain SUPER calm and fell backwards. Suddenly, I’m lucid. Now, I wasn’t truly lucid, or I don’t know, maybe I was. It wasn’t what I expected. I was able to have fully conscious conscious thoughts and control the scene around me, but in a different way that I expected. For instance, I wasn’t REALLY thinking all these thoughts like I do in real life. They weren’t as strong. But I was still able to think consciously nevertheless. Anyway, I still felt this tingly feeling (it was overwhelming) and I was portraying my thoughts through narrating a story (that I was controlling with my lucid thoughts. Now, this dream looked like a movie, with a camera moving around and quick scenes (like the intro to a movie with one character talking about their life). I am in a high school with another girl that I don’t recognize. The first thing I decide to do is have sex. This time, it wasn’t my unconscious mind that initiated it, but myself. I just wanted to see how it felt. Since the dream felt like the intro to a high school story about the new kid in school, it went pretty fast. There was still emotion, but no sexual feelings. There was Still that overwhelming tingly feeling but I was still asleep and awake at the same time (it’s hard to explain). We go outside of the high school, with me still narrating, and get into this all green car named “monochromatic” (what a cool name I came up with). We are suddenly wearing all green, and the car still has wet paint on it. We drive away, only to stop to get another car, this time a smart car with a jet engine on the back of it! We drive away, with the camera rising to show the road ahead of us, with me narrating along the way from my bed in real life. I wake up slowly, with the tingly feeling still lingering. I am shocked. Now, I have to talk about how this dream was so weird. When I first tried to become lucid in this dream, it was very difficult, my body kept rising above the table in the dream. What actually triggered my lucidity is when I walked down the stairs to the kitchen, I realized that the tile I was stepping on was the one from before my house was remodeled (now it’s been changed to wood) but the kitchen was from the new remodel. So the kitchen switched between the old one and new one because it didn’t know what to choose. And I thought, “this is a dream, holy S**t!” My body came off of the ground, and I kept floating towards the ceiling. I started to get the super tingly feeling all over my body, this time in the real world. If I didn’t do something, I would wake up, and I wanted to lucid dream for once! So I did the strategy of remaining calm and just falling towards the ground. It worked, and I had my dream, this time lucid. The scene changed, and instead of the dream being unstable and jumpy, it was stable and “in real time”, without any random scene changes. This is how I know that the time in your dream is equivalent to the time in real life. I was able to lucid dream in the first place because I went to sleep early (probably around 10), and had a dream at around 5:30 am. The lucid dream occurred around 5:50 am, and I woke up at 6 am. I can’t explain how shocked and excited I am that this dream occurred. It was something fresh and new, and I could feel my body in the real world but still remain within the dream. That is what makes it so difficult to lucid dream... being able to become conscious within a dream without waking up. I didn’t have “full” control over the dream and it’s content. I emphasized full because I could control it to some extent, but my thoughts really only influenced the dreams content and storyline. I didn’t choose the scene, but I was able to alter the already preexisting dream that my brain had planned. I could initiate sex, go into sweet-ass cars, and narrate the story with conscious thoughts (I could hear myself). It really was a weird experience that I will try to replicate in the future. As long as I make it to the end of my sleep cycle prior to waking up and recognize that I am dreaming by an error in the scene, I can have practice the skill of lucid dreaming and perfect it. Update: I remember a little bit of my dream before I was lucid. I am in a gym and a basketball game is going on. I’m not paying attention to the game, but the person seated behind me... Laura. She is a girl from my school irl, and i guess my brain had an interest in her. She is holding a piccolo, and is playing it. She isn’t too good at the piccolo I’m my dream, but she is still very nice, there and irl. “Sorry, I’m not that good” she says. “It’s fine, I can’t even play 2 instruments” I reply (I play the clarinet irl). We start to talk some more, this time just complementing each other (flirting?). I think this dream preceded the one about the bees in my bedroom, the one where I found out that I was dreaming. I don’t remember anything else from that dream.