Weird events

Date: 10/3/2021

By smithskyler53114

I was out shopping and went into I think zumiez or a store similar I can’t remember and I found a couple shirts I wanted so I go to the check out and you were the cashier and I was surprised because I didn’t see you until then and I said “hey stranger!” and you replied saying “hey what’s up?” And I just said I was shopping and probably wanted to ask for a application cause I needed a job and the manager was near by and said “hey you can work here we have a position available!” And I smiled and looked at you and you were grinning. You proceeded to check out my things and you asked “are you sure you want this shirt?” With a weird face and I was like “yeah I just liked the color of it” and he replied saying “do you know what this shirt means?” And I said “no- I mean yes? I don’t know actually what’s wrong with it?” And he pointed to some words and I still didn’t understand so I just said “okay never mind I don’t need it I just liked the color but not if it means something bad” so he put it down and all the sudden out the window of the store I see people panicking and a man comes running up and people in the store are freaking out and then I see him running up to a little girl in purple and he stabbed her?! He took it out and ran and the little girl walked away slowly while everyone freaked out and I look up cause I crouched down and there was a cop facing me and she wouldn’t do anything she just stood there and I was yelling at her to go help and she acted like nothing was happening. Time skipped ahead and it was the next day I was still traumatized by the events and I came back to the store bc the manager told me too for the job so I did, I saw you again and asked if you were good about the whole thing and you said it was crazy and the cop should of helped and I totally agreed. The manager walked me to the back to show me everything and start the process of getting the job and I saw you glancing at me every now and then which gave me butterflies. I was getting shown around the store more and the manager said he’d be right back so I stood waiting. I see you walking towards the exit and I say “you’re leaving already?” And he said “yeah my shift just ended” and I looked sad bc I didn’t want him to leave but I said “aw okay!” And you replied “I’m glad you started working here I hope we can continue to talk more so I can get to know you more again” since it’s been years and I smiled and nodded yes and said “okay I would love that” and smiled and we both waved bye.