
Date: 11/9/2019

By ItsABlackCat

I had a dream where I drowned. My lungs burned when the dream started, and all around me was water. There was what seemed like a plane or a boat or something far up at the surface... and several other things floating at the surface, bodies or rubble. Bubbles tickled my neck and my hair floated above my head but it felt shorter than normal. The surface seemed a million miles away... I kept swimming up but eventually I ran out of breath and inhaled and felt the water run all through my lungs and throat like when you accidentally inhale your drink up your nose- that burning, stinging feeling- but a thousand times worse. My body went limp and all of my energy focused on breathing, my struggles to the surface went from weak to nonexistent. I gasped and gasped but I couldn’t breathe. It kind of reminded me of when I have an asthma attack, where no matter how many breaths I take I can’t breathe. My vision started fading and I reached a hand towards the surface. For some reason my hand in the dream wasn’t my hand, it was dark-skinned and had thick fingers. My arm was thick like a man’s, thickly muscled as well. I choked and my words came out in a deep voice, muffled by the water. Black took over everything and for some reason I started thinking about my wife and kids? I don’t have a wife and kids in real life. But in the dream I was so sad, I was thinking about how I needed to get back to them. Then, as the rest of my vision faded and the pain increased to the point where I thought I would explode, I woke up in a cold sweat. I was breathing heavily when I woke up. (If anyone has any insight as to what this means that’d be nice.)