High School Scheduling Stress

Date: 4/7/2020

By leathecage

I was going back to high school for some classes, even though I am 23, and so I rented out some space in my bedroom for a friend to be a roomate. She ended up sleeping on a futon I laid out behind the couch, and I was very greedy and that's all the room I gave her, the rest was mine. My room was also apparently a hangout spot for students too. These young adults kept coming and going to chat and drink, all the while walking past me while I was trying to sleep. I eventually put a stop to it by yelling at everyone to get out, and they all solemnly shuffled out. It was eventually time for me to go to school, so I attended my first class which was some sort of psychological science. I sat acrossed from this newly transitioned boy named Sven. Apparently I already new him pretransition, so I made sure not to use his dead name, but I was really worried I would say it on accident. In the class we were tasked to draw a memory of outs with a crayola marker on a piece of paper, and it would be hung up in the hallway. I was very confused, so I just drew a bunch of hands and squiggles in red as my memory. When all the drawings got hung up, the teacher scolded me and said that my memory was too private. I was very confused, but then I learned he had me confused for someone else. My next class was a dance class. The teacher was an expert in doing the salsa, and everyone in the class was given a Wiifit balance board. We all just stepped on and off of it in rhythm until the class was over. My next class was in a VR world, and it was religious studies. In VR, I was controling a character who was based on my teacher, and I had to replay his religious experiences. He walked very slowly, and I needed to collect this glowing circles that were lined down this mountain. Eventually I was lead to this western looking cluster of buildings. There was a priest living inside one, and I had to burn the place down. My teacher was narrating everything I had to do and explaining why he did the things he did. He said he had to burn the priest because he didn't follow the laws of god. I disliked this class very much. The next class was Language Arts, and the teacher was a writing teacher I actually had in high school. I enjoyed the class itself, but I already knew everything and didn't gain anything from it. My last class of the day was a music class. I don't remember doing any music though. The room was big and empty, and there were no chairs. Everyone just kind of talked, while the teacher walked and chatted with everyone while holding a violin. It was then the end of the day, but I was the only person in the parking lot. My car was a massive 1999 Suburban, just like the car I drove in my actual high school days. The road home was very mountainous and long, which gave me some time to reflect on my school day. It was the next morning, and I was absolutely exhausted when my alarm went off. I was grumbling because I didn't want to take all those classes I signed up for. I was working out a plan to drop a few of them, and I played some loud music to help me think. I then remembered that I had a roomate now, and I was disturbing her. I turned my music down and looked over to her futon. She was awake, but didn't seem bothered by my noise. I eventually got out of bed, and my dog was also on the floor. She was sitting and staring at my roomate expectantly. I let my dog out of my room so she could do other stuff while I got ready. My roommate got out of bed and she was already fully dressed with perfect makeup on, ready to go. She apparently wakes up early, gets ready, and then goes back to bed. I was back in school in my psychology class, and I thought it'd be best to keep all my classes that were before lunchtime so I could get them done and leave early, without having to wait around for a class. I was glad I was going to keep the class with my new friend Sven. On the time inbetween classes, I went to the computer lab and printed out the paperwork I needed to fill out to drop my classes. I began filling the papers out, and I found out that I had automatically been dropped out of my music class since the teacher was fired. He apparently knew nothing about music, and there was a video of him playing a children's guitar very poorly. I continued filling out the two forms to drop out of my religious and Language Arts, but my handwriting was like a childs. My hand was so shaky, but eventually I wrote all I needed. To took my paperwork to the office, but I needed to find a stapler to put them all together. There, I noticed my actual Music teacher from my high school days, and when he spotted me he briskly walked after me. I got spooked and started serpentining around desk and walls so he wouldn't catch up with me. I eventually found a stapler, so I handed in my forms and got out of there.